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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2012
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio O. Lies, J. Head (7:15 PM)

Members Absent: S. Carlson

Others Present: Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary,
Jim Zingarelli, DPW Engineer

7:10 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.


  • 23 Chestnut Hill Road, Sacra:  For the construction of a garage in an R-2 Zoning District.  The plan combines 3 existing parcels to accommodate a garage addition to the home.  The plan is not creating any new buildable lots and is entitled to endorsement.
O. Lies motioned to endorse the plan.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 4-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Richard & Deborah Sacra, 23 Chestnut Hill Road, Holden, MA, Dated 4/12/12.

  • Chapin Road, Lot 3, Howatt:  The applicant is relocating a lot line between two existing lots.  Both lots meet the area and frontage requirement of the R-40 zoning district and are entitled to endorsement.
A, Bonofiglio motioned to endorse the plan.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 4-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  George F. Howatt, Trustee, 8 Crocker Hill Road, Paxton, MA 01612, for Chapin Road, Lot 3, Dated 4/23/12.

A. Bonofiglio recused himself from the meeting at 7:15 PM.

  • Newell Road, Newell Road Realty, Lot 4A & 4B, The Village at Westminster Place:  The plan proposes to create a 4.086 acre lot containing the existing multi-family buildings in the I-Q and R-1 zoning district.  This lot being created is currently part of the 100 acre site which was granted a special permit for a Continuing Care Retirement Community now referred to as the Village at Westminster Place.  The ANR requires an amendment to the special permit approval and also creates a zoning violation by not maintaining the 20 acre minimum land area requirement for a Retirement Community.
A representative for applicant answered questions for the Board.  W. Ritter said that under the subdivision control regulations, they cannot carve out lots.  He suggested that the applicant contact P. Harding to determine the purpose of the plan.

O. Lies motioned to deny due to not meeting the required area for a retirement community, and the subdivision was already approved.  J. Head seconded.  Vote 4-0, DENIED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Newell Road Realty, LLC, 120 Quarry Drive, 2nd Floor, Milford, MA 01757 for Newell Road Lot 4A & 4B, Dated 4/5/12.

  • Newell Road, Newell Road Realty, Lot 4B & 4C:  The applicant is creating a lot around the single-family home constructed within the Village at Westminster Place Condominium.  The ANR requires an amendment to the special permit approval and also creates a zoning violation by not maintaining the 20 acre minimum land area requirement for a Retirement Community.
O. Lies motioned to deny due to not meeting the required area for a retirement community, and the subdivision was already approved.  J. Head seconded.  Vote 4-0, DENIED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Newell Road Realty, LLC, 120 Quarry Drive, 2nd Floor, Milford, MA 01757 for Newell Road, Lot 4B & 4C, Dated 4/11/12.

A. Bonofiglio rejoined the meeting at 7:25 PM.

PUBLIC HEARING, Request by Town of Holden, 1420 Main Street:  W. Ritter read the Public Hearing Notice into record.  Expansion of existing commercially zoned property and recommendation to Town Meeting.  This zoning article was referred to the Planning Board by the Board of Selectmen.  The selectmen are proposing the zoning district of the former Holden Police Station, located at 1420 Main Street, be changed from R-1 to Commercial.  The area consists of Assessing Map 129, Parcels 16 and 20.  Parcel 16 consists of 2.26 acres and Parcel 20 is .49 acres.  Parcel 20 has approximately half an acre of wetlands.

No public comments.
Board Comments:  O. Lies asked for map clarifications.

J. Head motioned to recommend approval of the zone change, D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 5-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Public Hearing, 1420 Main Street, Holden, MA.

PUBLIC HEARING, Zoning Map Amendment, 160 Shrewsbury St:  W. Ritter read the Public Hearing Notice into record.  A citizen petition has been submitted by Roy Frasier, to change the zoning designation of 160 Shrewsbury Street from R-2 to Commercial.  This is the same zoning amendment that was proposed at Town Meeting in 2011 and failed.  The property is approximately 1.64 acres and is the current site of a veterinarian clinic.  A Use Table from the zoning bylaw was referred to, and commercial uses are designated with a P, and uses allowed by Special Permit are marked with an S.  Permitted by right uses in the Commercial district include repair shops, automobile sales, and banks.

Roy Frasier read a history of the land use for the Board.

Board Comments:
  • J. Head said he was against this last year when it was voted on.
O. Lies motioned to recommended approval of the zone change at Town Meeting, due to the fact that the lot has historically been commercial since the 1930’s.  A. Bonofiglio seconded the motion, William Ritter voted in favor; David Lindberg and Jeffrey Head voted against the motion.  Vote 3-2.  PASSED.

Documents presented during review:
        Citizens Petition, Zoning Map Amendment, Roy Fraser, III of 943 Wachusett St., Holden, MA 01520, for 160 Shrewsbury St., Holden, MA 01520.  (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)

STREET ACCEPTANCE, BIRCH HILL ROAD - Town Meeting Recommendation:  There are no outstanding items for the application to addreess.

D. Lindberg motioned to recommend street acceptance for Birch Hill Road.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 5-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Birch Hill Road for Street Acceptance, land entitled Amended Definitive Subdivision Plan, Wingspan Estates, 65 & 71 Main Street, Holden, MA, Wingspan Properties, LLC, 2 Explorers Way, Holden, MA, Dated 8/19/10.

STREET ACCEPTANCE, ALDEN WOODS II - Town Meeting Recommendation:  A punch list was provided by DPW after inspection.  One catch basin at the terminus of Wachusett Street and Blair Drive must be cleaned prior to Town Meeting.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to recommend street acceptance, with the condition the catch basin cleaning be inspected and approved by DPW.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 5-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Alden Woods II for Street Acceptance.

ZBA RECOMMENDATION - Variance & Special Permit, Thomas & Carol Feraco, 12 Acorn Drive R-2, Side Yard Setback & Accessory Apartment:  The applicant is applying for a special permit for an accessory apartment and a variance for relief from the 15’ sideyard setback requirement to allow a 6’ sideyard setback for the construction of the addition.

J. Head motioned for no planning significance.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 5-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Variance & Special Permit, Thomas & Carol Feraco, 12 Acorn Drive, Holden, MA, Dated 3/30/12.

REVIEW OF TOWN MEETING ARTICLES:  There are 3 articles presented by the Planning Board.  P. Harding distributed a handout, and will email the full motion to the Board members.  The Board will meet 20 minutes before the Town Meeting in the cafeteria to review the final articles.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Articles for Town Meeting 2012.

  • CMRPC: P. Harding will also check to see if a letter was sent to John Boyce.
  • Implementation & Traffic Management:  Update by J. Zingarelli, DPW.
  • Jefferson Mills:  There is interest with a new developer to purchase and construct the condominium units at the Jefferson Mill utilizing Historical Grants.
  • Winterberry Hollow:  They have started clearing and the town is hiring a third party inspector.
NEXT MEETING:  June 12, 2012

A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn.  J. Head seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:05 PM.

May 8, 2012 Minutes approved:   August 7, 2012          

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary